Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Art of the Tease

After hearing Tom Rose, managing editor of the Palm Beach Post, speak Monday one sentence stuck out, journalism is the “art of the tease.” It is finding out what hooks our readers. He stressing that we must tailor or stories to our readers and he is correct. Newspapers and Magazines will continue to strive once they figure out what brings their demographics of readers alive.

His story on Bear Bryant is exactly what Journalism is all about to me. To everyone else he was a football coach and a great one at that. But to the state of Alabama, he was their pride. Writers have the privilege to capture a memory and share it with those that were unable to experience it. That is why I want to write. I want to inform people about a side of the story they would otherwise not hear.

If I remember nothing else from Mr. Rose’s speech I will remember this: you learn to write by reading great writers and journalism can bring people to life.

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